Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i think this is a factor of youtube rather than mr beast

Yeah but like he makes money to give away money

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I honestly believe the dude wants to do good

real btw

matthew patrick is bad for similar reasons btw

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who is matthew patrick

whos that

mat pat

Never said I hated him and this is a very naive perspective that ignores the greater systemic context that has created situations in which there are so many people desperate for their way out of crippling debt or poverty or get a better life for their kids or a combination therein or some other hellish life situation that we, as a society, could easily solve with collection action but don’t.

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i hate him. hating people is fun. im a hater

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Ok how could we do that

People say idealistic stuff all the time, but how

that is a much much broader topic

that would probably violate the no politics rule

youre in a room with matpat game theory. you have a gun with one bullet. in it. how do you solve the situation @Someone

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Im not gonna murder anyone

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youre in a room with matpat game theory. you have a gun with one bullet. in it. how do you solve the situation

you cannot shoot yourself

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Numerous studies has shown time and time again that the most effective and cheapest long term solution to homelessness is to just give them homes. Just as one example

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forgot that part you have to say that part

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