Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Strange that one man can accomplish so much. Strange that there’s so much a single millionaire can do. If the US government just didn’t buy 5 F-35s (out of thousands), they too would have as much money as Mr Beast and could spend it entirely towards things like building houses and curing blindness and wells


i dont disagree government bad. hating on mr beast is bad, was what i was trying to illustrate

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I never said I hated mr beast. I think it’s really cool to give people money who need it. I think we should do that more often but not lock them in a room for 100 days and record their psychological anguish for said money.

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i think we should do tgat for no money


notblackorwhite why do you hate mr beast???

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she listened to radioheads OK Computer

I think the Mr. Beast debate comes down to whether or not you feel that his philanthropy outweighs his exploitation of people for content. Is someone being paid $300K for going insane for 20 days worth the money? Should someone even be given that choice in the first place?
I do think that he’s started to take those broad criticisms of his work more seriously, but his whole thing is the scale and the involvement of average people into larger-than-life game shows, and it’s incredibly hard to pivot away from that in a way that retains his audience.


in completely unrelated news I have a game open rn

(no one present rn will join)

he makes really good burgers though
you are all HATERS

i have never had a mr beast burger

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Mr. Beast is suing the company after realizing that ghost kitchens do not make good food.

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He’s suing the company who runs the ghost kitchens because they’re so bad. “Inedible” is how he described them iirc


a ploy to get people to buy them to see how bad they are :hmmyes:


That’s just Feastables.

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It’s much less about that for me than it is we live in a society where people’s financial situations are either so desperate or precarious that they willingly subject themselves to a long term circus torture prison separate from everyone they love or care about. If I knew all these people had guaranteed access to things like food, shelter, and healthcare, I would think it’s much less sad as a concept. It just doesn’t have to be this way.

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Who up seizing they means of production


I’ve seized the means of toy production,

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this is a real line in my favorite game of all time that has nothing to do with it