Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

why not

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not neccesarily. its something ive felt but its less that and more that i am the thought rather than the body. i donā€™t hold physicality very highly

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what i am saying is that we have almost different personalities at times like when weā€™re with our mom vs when weā€™re at work vs when weā€™re with friends. i behave differently around someone who thinks i am a man vs someone who thinks i am a woman. i contain multitudes

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i cant exactly shapeshift

I am the danger

i like origami

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Thats not like a different personality tho, thats just like different standards of what is acceptable and what isnt

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so true may

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which is close enough


This sounds like dissociation to me

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but like you are the same person, its not like im a different person when im talking to X vs Y


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I would agree they are not distinct personalities or people but, in a way, they are to people that observe them


that. is present. very present. however i do also just feel oddly about bodies. maybe because trabsgender. maybe because how much time i spend pondering. is a mystery

Probably a little of column A, a little of column B


okay i will go to bed i Will good night

Jenna made us go to Barnes & Noble so Iā€™m gonna book recs as I see them and theyā€™re all gonna have queer characters in it.

A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik (1 of 3)
Great series. Very well written. Love it.

Atlas Six by Olivie Blake (1 of 3)
Like this book, but the sequel didnā€™t book me. Dark academia. Worth a read even if the series after didnā€™t grip me.

The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson (1 of 3)
Very intense. Thrilling. Dark. Gay. I stayed up all night reading it when I got close to the end.

Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (1 of 4, only 3 released)
Gay necromancers go to space and get caught up in murder mystery in the house of God. One of the best series Iā€™ve ever read, and one of my favorites if not my favorite period.

The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samanthaā€¦ I walked away and canā€™t remember so Iā€™m not going back
Good, but long. Not sure if Iā€™d say the juice is worth the squeeze if youā€™re not really into lesbians.

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i think u are too