Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

So so scary. Very scared indeed.

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I know whatā€™s going on here. I know whatā€™s going on here. Okay? I do. And if you want me to wander backstage to spill the beansā€¦ Iā€™m the only one out of the loop, it would seemā€¦ and if we check my point total hereā€” I donā€™t NEED to walk to the front, because I know what it is. Itā€™s a big olā€™ GOOSE EGG, GANG. Itā€™s a FAT ZERO. HELLO!! A little LATE ADDITION to the numerical symbol chart brought to us from our friends in Arabia, a little bit of trivia that I happen to know about the history of numbers. That kind of little tidbit would serve me well in most trivia games, unless it had been RIGGED FROM THE BEGINNING! Oh, Iā€™ve only just BEGUN to pull the thread on this sweater, friends. You would THINK in a game where there are only TWO possible correct choices, that one would STUMBLE INTO the right answer every so often, wouldnā€™t you? In fact, the probability of NEVER guessing right in the full game is a STATISTICAL WONDER, and yet, HERE WE ARE. Introduced at the top of the game as a champion, what do you think that means? Icarus, flying too close to the sun. But it seems Daedalus, our little master crafter over here, had some wax wings of his own, didnā€™t he? Wanted to see his son fall. Fall from the sky. Oh, how CLOSE TO THE SUN he flew! Well Iā€™m NOT HAVING IT. I solved your labyrinth, puzzle master! The minotaurā€˜s escaped and youā€™re gonna get the horns, buddy!

three different people have come very very close to discovering another secret one nya

No Iā€™m entirely unempathetic now. New update

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Far too scary by far. I was too scared

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YOOOOOO now your may can you dox yourself <3


Guess Iā€™ll have to use my method in cookie thread since everyoneā€™s like ā€œWednesdayā€
But here it is anyway,

Chop Chop Method

By following this Method, you get a way more accurate readslist and get Unseen almost all the time the longer you stay alive.

Playstyle PoV

Each player has a different (or similar to another) Playstyle.
The first thing to do is to know someoneā€™s Playstyle before making a read on them as they can be naturally Unseen-like or naturally Blue Dragon-y.
Now while a Playstyle is NAI (although to some that not so bright, can cause a read or two) you need to look at their Point of View. To determine how it can come from Blue Dragon rather if it comes from Unseen.

Look to see where their POV comes from.
Essentially put everyone as Blue Dragon unless reason otherwise.


First off, if they have previous games you may want to look at them or if you already played with them enough then you may get the feel of how they play.


Now sometimes, people will stay stuff and then say something completely different or opposite. This is called a Contradiction.
Now while this isnā€™t entirely AI, in certain circumstances it can be if there is absolutely zero or close to zero reason they would do this from a Blue Dragon PoV.


Some Unseen have a certain agenda they want to push to get consistent MLā€™s or manipulation in others reads.
Now sometimes Blue Dragon can also have Agendaā€™s as well.
So you got to figure out exactly how or why they would do it from a Blue Dragon PoV.


Sometimes Reaction is just straight out NAI.
However, in some cases a Reaction can be Unseen indicative and some can even be called a ā€œSlipā€.

So to push for some Reactions a good way to do it is to Pressure other players to see how they respond towards the Pressure.
Another, is try and question other peopleā€™s actions to see how they react towards the questioning and how they handle it.
Interacting is also a good way for Reactions as well but itā€™s usually not as effective as Pressuring or Questioning.

Votes, Reads and Kills Analysis


Remember itā€™s very important to where you place your vote. For Unseen they usually donā€™t leave their vote on a Unseen unless they intend to Bus.
Unseen may vote each other throughout the day but them leaving it on each other at day end is an unlikely scenario.
When looking at someone you want to keep track where they placed their vote at the end of the day and keep track as to how many times they voted. (Who they voted each time is irrelevant, only the final voted player matters)


So when it comes to this, this has nothing to do with your reads but rather others reads.

First you want to take the number of amount of alive players and divide it by 4.
Then you want to take that number and try and get everyone to give their Top (that number) TRā€™s and their Top (that number SRā€™s) as it can come in handy later.


Most of the time people are killed for a certain reason rather if be accurate reads, obvious Blue Dragon or allowing Unseen to push agenda.
Now I suppose Unseen could randomly do the kill but itā€™s fairly unlikely for Unseen to do so.
There are also some, who just donā€™t make a certain kill as it would make no sense from their Unseen PoV to do so.
Make sure to keep Track of each Unseen kill as well.

I also gotta Remember to see the dead townies reads killed or MLā€™ed.

Interaction Partners Removal

So sometimes there are just interactions players have that can just never be Unseen theatre. So keep track of those interactions as if 1 flips Unseen, you can clear the other.

Evaluation Swap

In the case of if you feel that your current readslist or PoE is incorrect, try and evaluate and swap at least 1 Read/Clear with another, potentially from the opposite side of the Readslist.

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You donā€™t even understand who youā€™re dealing with. I have advanced degrees in statistics and computer science and Iā€™ve created a simple program with an advanced algorithm that Iā€™ve been working on for years. I have read and tracked over 600 Unseen games, recording every scumslip, every tell, every WORD uttered. At this point I can have my bot read the thread chat and play the game for me. I have reduced the cacophonous lies of forum Unseen into a pure, beautiful mathematical formula, and itā€™s led me to literal hundreds of wins.

Why do I think youā€™re Unseen? I donā€™t deign to think about you myself. Instead, I thought about how to create a program to know mathematically whether you are. I donā€™t need to think about you, because my algorithm has determined that youā€™re Unseen to an 87% certainty. You cannot beat those numbers at this stage in the game. Weā€™re talking about a mere 13% chance that youā€™re so monumentally bad at this game that you fooled a computer program that has successfully identified over 500 unique players as Unseen with over 96% accuracy. Your only defense, in other words, is that your so Unseen-like that you are an outlier.

Whether youā€™re Blue Dragon or Unseen, this is a message from mathematics ā€“ you are bad at this game. You have played so Unseen-like that a perfectly objective process has labeled you as Unseen. Whether that makes you bad at playing your specific rolecard or bad in general, there is no question that behaving like Unseen means you have not performed well. Consider this a welcome wakeup call, as hundreds have before you: If a player decides youā€™re Unseen, itā€™s possible you just got unlucky, but if a computer program can be that certain of your alignment, there are some serious holes in your game, because it means youā€™re Unseen in an objective sense, rather than a subjective one. For that reason, Iā€™m willing to roll that die and take that 13% risk, because even if thereā€™s a small chance you might be Blue Dragon, thereā€™s not even a remote chance that youā€™re good



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Iā€™m gonna start calling you slurs



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Hey only I can say slurs here


i regret opening that

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you think that way because you are generally unempathetic

this image goes hard