Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

For the record, May singlehandedly decided who was who. So there’s no simping here, except for May simping Hazard.


I am simply a rodent enthusiast.

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why are you speaking in the third person? you feeling alright?


She might be feeling this way after her 3rd rose bubble tea for this week.

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If I was sick, I wluld never admit to it.
I’m trying to avoid lioking at my screen ro make more typos, but that first sentence was too good so I typed another lne.

PLEASE fingersc mudcle memory​:avocado::pager::camera::camera::computer_mouse::camera::camera::electric_plug::clamp::clock1::flower_playing_cards::red_square::brown_square::white_small_square::mahjong::white_medium_square::red_square::white_medium_small_square::black_joker::loud_sound::speech_balloon::blue_square::mute::clock4::speaker::bell::clock4:

Somehow I opened the emoji menu eithiut rwalising it


this will be so cursed when the avatars return to normal

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Never let Magnus not BE themselves

We can change who had possession oc which posts so it’s fine

what’s your guys favorite vocaloid song

i nominate silvu for 2024 best pronoun rememberer :smirk:


I only barely teme
Rr a clue lc them

hey may wanna go on a date today


The best date ever

give this one another try i think you went too hard on it


aI would loce for notginf dearer than go on a picnic with mg swertheart crush and war her heart kur

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I am legitimately just trying wjthout looking at the screen on a phond I’cs bDg hD zincs October

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But hey, sometimes I have perfecf flukes!

If I typed all my messGes this way in Minofity Rules, no ofy sould vuezz if sS Magnus.
Bscause itma May.

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no one even answered my question this is so sad