Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

the difference is i am no longer 12 years old

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i do genuinely like CENSORED lorewise because it’s not that people are afraid of it. they’re disgusted by it

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there are a few pics of me and pip in #animals i think
but yea i have short curly hair

also that reminds me i need to post April’s calendar page when i get home

oh yeah sorry

the gameplay is basically just using monsters as batteries and in some cases hitmen


The gameplayis :) Sufferinf

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im gonna see if i still have any in my dropbox. if you knew me when i was 12 feel free to tell me to Not because i get it

same! (for the last part)

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oh right i was cheating. i vaguely remembered the pic of you in the napoleon dynamite costume tho

Lobotomy Corp is basically just like playing as the scp foundation

like exactly what it sounds like

but also the game is a roguelike

i guess?

sometimes i think about the scp thats just a speedrunner

Wow! So you’re telling me that not only Ax=y, but y=Ax?

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the projmoon games are primarily story driven but also their games hate you and it requires an advanced form of stockholm syndrome to beat

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Not what this is saying but it looks fnuny if you’re just scanning

funniest scp ive read in a while

the tutorial encounter in library of ruina was nerfed into the dirt because the developers couldn’t win

it’s been too long since i’ve made a dumbass botc character by the way i’m just short on ideas ever since i released the bootlegger’s antholgy and idon’t care who knows this

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lmfao i forgot about that
im never beating that costume that was the height of my halloween career