Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i have not watched haikyuu since i was like 10 :sob:
little lilith really liked oikawa. for some reason

i grew out of watching anime, at the time i watched it i had no gay thoughts so i havent seen haikyuu

i ran out of patience to deal with the pacing of television series media

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I know you’re semi-shitposting here, but what would you say your goals are? fanfic is a broad term that can encompass a lot of different things, and ‘I want to write a fluffy coffee shop AU but I also want everyone to be perfectly in character at all times’ implies different strategies from ‘I want to write a fic that makes my exchange recipient happy’ implies different strategies from ‘the s4 ending sucks I’m going to fix it’ implies different strategies from ‘these two characters would make a really cute couple, how can I get them to kiss’


at the time

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i actually tried to start another rewatch the other day, but the server i was trying to watch it on wouldn’t load it properly it was so tragic.

i didn’t mean it like that. listen. i can explain.

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No goals, I was just shitpostint, I’m not actually that good of a writer

ill watch it. eventually. i gotta finish spy x family and ghost stories first. and saki

It is very simple to write fanfiction.

Step 1: What do you want to write about? Consider the themes of the original work, the messages it was trying to say, then figure out how you can betray every aspect of it as fast as possible.

Step 2: You’ve decided the premise for your fanfiction. Now, there are some who would suggest that you map out your plot and character arcs before going in to ensure that you won’t spiral off into a trainwreck. Those people are fools. You should just jump right in and write.

Step 3: Now that you’ve decided to disregard any form of planning, consider your writing style. How did the original like to tell its story? How was it influenced by its own world? The answer to both of these questions are, respectively, “I dunno” and “Not at all”. Just write it as if you’re writing a blog post about climate denialism or something.

Step 4: Now comes the hard part: actually writing the story. Almost every writer suggests that you actively set aside time to write your story, that putting yourself on the clock and holding yourself accountable to completing a set portion of your story every day allows you to be incredibly efficient. See Step 2 for my thoughts on these people.

Step 5: You’re done! How, I have no clue, but you’re done. Now, should you double-check for grammatical errors, consider restructuring your chapter, condense and clarify material that was likely word-spam in service of an idea that was difficult to articulate? God no! Just send it out into the world!

And there you have it! That’s how you write fanfiction!


so like arete and i know you’re not (entirely) serious here, but the thing is you cannot be a good writer unless you spend time being a bad writer and writing anyway.


another good tip for writing fan fic: get a friend to read your chapters and give you feedback. get really excited about it and into it. and when the friend gives you negative feedback on your latest chapter become so upset you break contact with him for half a year.


ill watch haikyuu if you watch house bow

the most fun i’ve had writing is when i’m writing to figure out where the story i’m writing is going to go.

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like house md? or something else

I feel that. I really enjoy having stories that snap into place at the end.
That said, I also find that indulging yourself too long here is fairly detrimental. At some point, you just have to start writing and figure it out from there.



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honestly my issue is plot because i just get so focused on setting up dramatic little moments between characters where they fight and bare their souls and grow, but then it’s like “okay so now what”. and i am not skilled enough to write stories without plot and only character drama stuff. it just hits a wall where it’s boring because i resolve the thing that was interesting (internal conflicts within a character and external conflicts between characters) way, way too early. i’m impatient.


seen every ep bestie.