Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Actual rare sighting

we think she probably mostly just lost some claws (hence the blood) and may be bruised or whatnot but beyond that is hopefully fine enough?


Oh my god

gonna swing her to a vet this weekend to be safe


fr tho idk wtf she was doin like

the steering wheel was in a box

and she forced her way

into the box

into one of the holes in the wheel

and then couldn’t get out

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This makes SO much more sense than what i was imagining
I thought the thing was attached to a car

Bro cats love boxes and trying to fit into spaces they shouldn’t be


like actually how the fuck do you end up in here

what are you doing with yourself


had to entirely disassemble the wheel (clearly not designed to be taken apart, involved physically breaking plastic and cutting wires) to get her enough room to slip the rest of the way out

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my cats like chewing on boxes. they bite them and pull off pieces. they’re not eating any from what we can tell since we find pieces everywhere and they literally have food out to graze constantly, but yeah. i put a tall box up against the wall last night, and I found it tipped over this morning with chunks torn off the opening flap thingies lol


woulda been solveable in like two minutes with a dremel but alas, nobody here owns one

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give me the gay deck i need it

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This reminds me of when my younger brother put his training toilet seat around his neck and we had to call the fire dept


my roommate actually had apparently tried to call 911 before waking me

and I got to be like “uh, that’s definitely not the right number to call for this”

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We still have it on video and like, it was terrifying then, but its now become a point of bullying and he’s never living it down

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yeah I need to figure out some new nickname for the cat to do with getting stuck in a steering wheel

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katze isnt really your sister right


I need to get up


can people tell me to get up and go eat

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