Ash is assimilating. He will be playing splatoon by next week
Conversion like in fores lies
Conversion like the gay therapy (they make you gay)
I didn’t bring my Switch with me, so that might be a bit difficult.
I’ve never thought how funny it is that they just have the tiles behind him. That’s like having a deck of cards spread out
The biggest title in the UK is prime minister right? Has there ever been a Prime Minister of Scottish, Irish or Welsh origin?
You were initiated into the Cult! You are now The Apostle.
Oh boris johnson is an american? How come he got to be prime minister of the UK?
I think being born in parliament square is cheating that must be an insane timeskip
We invaded the UK.
Used their own trick against them.
Wait whats parliament square mean? He was born, like, in the parliament building where they vote on laws?
mmm parmesan square
im surprised you didnt know
he’s a robot that the us built as a gift to the uk. like the statue of liberty
he was put in charge to make them happy. he doesnt do anything though, there’s a dog that does that
Whos the dog?
Less a robot and more a Trojan Horse.