no pfp is somehow more cursed than mtg pfp imo
it feels Wrong i feel like he should have the Banned undertitle
probably like a wedding reception but just the part where theres a lot of music and u gather with friends and eat like a homecooked meal just bc thats what i wanna do everyday
and also EVERYBODY cleans up together. and then they go home.
be the change you want to see in the world
I just want Chloe to take responsibility for vaporwave not working
i take full responsibility and i have no regrets
Fucking incredible
as such, I have reverted every theme except vaporwave
Presumably Chloe was extremely straight.
i have done my job and reverted the vaporwave change
see u next year
damn i didnt think ud actually do any work
remember when you made a (would get lost in a cave/wouldn’t get lost in a cave) and (wet/dry) compass or something like that
this was back when she and Hally were together and at their request I put them into the chart directly on top of each other such that their names were pretty much completely illegible
Creepy and wet.
and then whenever anyone asked what was up with that I said “they’re Stacking”
But it was “creepy” like a scary cave is creepy, not like a person is creepy
that was a thing?
what in the world lol