Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

that makes sense

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is this the new oddesy thing

one of them


might check it out

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you should sign up before signups close :slight_smile:

yea idk what it is tho so

I mean if you decide you don’t wanna play you aren’t forced to

the only thing signing an NDA does is prevent you from talking about the info you receive

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yea fair

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you are required to show up in the hours provided, or you will get sued by the company.


ive gotten 12 kos this game and somehow we’re still losing

this is because my goalie has no idea how to play around juno

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(she kept shooting it straight into the slimes and, suprise suprise, getting scored on)


two r’s

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what rank are you

This better be a Persona-esque game, or I’m coming for your kneecaps.

Off to a good start.


This better be worth me giving my actual name (my Discord account is tied to a Gmail account with my full name, so there is zero benefit to lying).


it’s so they can sue you and make you playtest forever if you don’t show up

run for the hills ash!!


Actually, I read the NDA, and if you don’t show up, you won’t get sued by the company.
They’ll just come to your house and set all your family members and pets on fire.