Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

nobody is safe

i fucking forgot that that’s what the EGO page for Solemn Lament in LoR does. in my defense I barely ever played on the floor that has that EGO page

the floor of game crashing memory leaks

that does not fucking narrow it down it’s a project moon game

i legitimately can’t remember i staged most of my fights in Philosophy or Language for a reason

yesod is floor of technological sciences

i know, i know, i’m not a true gamer, I didn’t hard focus Tiphereth’s floor and try to get the exodia

oh right yeah that floor
look there’s a lot of abno pages I knew Funeral of the Dead Butterflies was a lower floor but I couldn’t remember which. it sounded like it could plausibly be a Hod page

i feel like nix is way less convoluted than myongest chained wrath ptear blunt stance clean dark fl

i love that i understand what the fuck you just said

i really hope we get a purple tear identity in llimbus eventually just becasue of how much i fucking love Iori’s gimmick. but given that the Purple Tear connection to Limbus we have implies that she’s going to be a lategame antagonist…

nothing will ever capture the cackle i let out when i saw the passive her fight has where she can just fuck off and go to a different floor, though.

considering the game is planned to continue for ~a decade i find it completely plausible that it will happen eventually

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unfortunately i will probably be shot dead in an alleyway somewhere before that happens

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also i just checked steam and i’m fucking cackling at being able to draw Chef Gregor from the Ishmael Target Extraction.



project moon makes very good games despite demonstrably having no idea how you’re supposed to make games. this is their greatest strength and greatest weakness

I have to squint to see what you mean because it doesn’t have any of the aberrations usually visible in AI art.

It’s cute! The hair reminds me of Ritz from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance