Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I think we’re being trolled

but they have been very obvious before

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finally a skinkulus release :pray:

night baby! night baby! lets go!


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in other news


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remember when i impulsively hosted king of the castle 2 and then it got canned because i did not plan it right

im gonna do it again. but not with king of the castle. and not impulsively. and hopefully not the canned part.

In other mews

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what game!

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this time i am going to host a game where its 90% player driven and 10% host driven
i need to write up the rules but its (based on) “Good Society”
the good society I played is not the one you will find on google
but tl;dr party roleplaying game
idk how else to describe it

and also the setting is not jane austen because regency ball moment

send a link

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im taking it from a private-ish discord server. joycat

Is the setting Jane Patrick?

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i will copy/paste their rules tho

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send a screenshot of the rules

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no sorry its actually Shadowy Congress
at least. that’s what im planning
ITS NOT KING OF THE CASTLE AT ALL its just themed semi-similarly

kotc 3!!!

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I’m really not being all that serious lol. and yeah willow is right I was more saying that about the birth control thing.

longer response

WHO and the CDC have stated that blood tests prior to birth control don’t actually make them safer and from what I can tell, postmenopausal women who start HRT often don’t need to take a blood test either. The approval of an over-the-counter birth control recently also reflects that there is very little risk in giving them to people without a doctor being involved initially, and the person taking it can typically tell if something is wrong and stop taking them before it becomes a problem. In general, I am always highly skeptical of any proposed restrictions to access to birth control and for similar reasons that I am to restrictions regarding HRT (they can often be overblown and merely a pretext to restrict access for ideological reasons rather than genuine concern for patient well-being). Saying something like “HRT should be over-the-counter” is just a radical expression of my belief that the risks and dangers of bioidentical hormones is overblown whether it be birth control or hormones for trans people. Testosterone is again a more complicated topic because it’s more likely to be abused, but I also think it sucks for our trans masc siblings that the hormone they need is criminalized.

And by “HRT” I was referring to primarily bioidentical hormones which has very low risks. Knowing levels of serum estradiol is certainly useful, but some of us (like Marissa) don’t have easy access and go the DIY route and we’re trending in the wrong direction access wise, so I’m also careful not to boogeyman it either. Antiandrogens like spironolactone and bicalutimide are renaltoxic and hepatoxic respectively (I think, but I always forget which is which), and if you’re taking those you should absolutely take blood tests early on to make sure they aren’t adversely affecting you. However, most DIY girlies do mono-E therapy, so again it’s less crucial. Blood tests would certainly reduce risks, and you should get them done and have your care directed by a qualified medical professional, but not all of us have that luxury either due to local government policy, home/social environment, or just money.

To wrap this up, me saying “HRT should be OTC” is mostly just a memey way to say “I think everyone who wants it should be able to get it” which I assume we both agree with. I’m certainly not a medical professional, so I could be wrong, but also there’s like zero risk in me saying that if I am wrong because HRT is not going to be available over-the-counter any time soon for the overwhelming majority of us.