Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

okay new plan, i’ll make 5 accounts which i’ll alternate between

all of y’all would survive i have no mouth and i must scream

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i got 4-5 hours of sleep and silviu perfectly timed when to tell me i’m sleeping at bad times like 20 minutes after I fell asleep

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is this just a toser thing

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i should further clarify I am not bound by timeframe you could give me a day 3 weeks from now and id run with it

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this is accidently a really good insult and i’m going to use it later

No idea what youre talking about

well the point is you’re not supposed to survive. so if you’re saying we’d fuck it up then yeah

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i dont know who else does that

its a story about boundless suffering given a bound
its a story about people
it’s a story about hate
its a story about love
its a story about the tendency of humans to hope


oh sick good to know
idk my day-to-day schedule but could prob figure something out
in return u have to listen to the noisz starlivht ost tho

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I will listen to most things with many people

Yeah :sob:

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may i think i have the perfect character for you to play

that’s me all the time

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Dont know what this means

Holy shit