Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

we’re so back

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after Cat Lady honestly its not the most cursed

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someone on r/botc recently proposed a character called beekeeper… which basically reimagined donkey wrangler from first principles. it was kinda incredible

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do on

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i literally have no idea what happened in the last 3 weeks that you should know
other than me changing my name again

the comments then told them about donkey wrangler and the separate unreleased beekeeper

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“At dusk, if most (but not all) living players declare they like your cats, your team loses, even if dead”


they WHAT

is this an outsider

i had a bland 3 weeks. not really good ones but I made a lot of improvements with my art and have good grades so im at least afloat

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so its just like cl but with living players and evil instead?

fair enough

Question 2: Why?

i have entered the year in which i am for most purposes a freshmen in college and then also a high school senior so

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ah, utah version of running start?

also marissa i am going to tell you again that you are the one responsible for me applying for WSU. this is your fault. i have completed my application

no actually its a my school specific thing

i also don’t know what running start is

enroll in university classes instead of HS ones, get uni credits.