Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

“Undergraduates can’t be said to ‘know anything’ in the classical sense, they’re mostly just trying to survive”

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i’m also on real 1 and we just covered sequential compactness. which is real analysis’s equivalent definition of compactness


taking real analysis before topology is wise tbh, much of point-set topology is real analysis in a trenchcoat. unfortunately my schedule did not unfold that way

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Chat do you all want to do my organic chemistry homework by poll

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nyaaaaa when did your semester start
I have a feeling we’re going slower (we have had 2 days and we have done. like. haha real number axioms!!! we will prove a bunch of really basic things that are probably mostly for practice with proofs!)

this was also our first week if it’s any consolation


by day 2 we had definitively proved that 1 is greater than 0


I will answer this question with whatever you decide. You are in control here, you hav ethe power. Choose

  • CH3COOH is stronger
  • (CH3)2CHOH is stronger

0 voters

Yes I’m railroading you by picking a question with two answers. Whatever

nyaaaaaaaa no it’s the opposite

if it’s your first week and already on sequential compactness then like. are we going to get to anything :joy_cat:

my vague intuition tells me more hydrogens = stronger acid

when i was a kid we had a cockatiel. Much less insane one than we had now but because of that alot more curious. She had a tendency on flying onto the hall door and trying to nibble at the wires along its edge. Our solution of course was to put an old pencil case on the inside of the door so she couldnt get that far. She proceeded to fall in love with the pencil case she would give it kisses. She also hated it. She would give it kisses and then in miliseconds start screaming at it. She was so baby. She landed on my head several times

I’ll do the rest of the questions and when I’m back I’ll pick whatever’s winning. Choose For Me

oh we are on week 4

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This is to say I think alot of you are like my childhood bird you also eat wires and fall in love with bear pencil cases and then attempt to kill bear pencil cases.

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technically we covered sequential compactness at the very end of week 3. but today the professor spent like 10 minutes explaining why they skipped the textbook’s chapter on topological compactness, in the process covering basically all of the textbook’s chapter on topological compactness


At least he was compact about it

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Get out the vote!!! Don’t forget to #vote!!! Pokemon GO to the polls guys VOTE in May’s organic chemistry homework exercise your CIVIC DUTY you MUST vote in May’s organic chemistry homework poll

do you think hillary would tell people to walk tuah the polls if she was running this year