Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Sometimes I even know how to spell it I just press one wrong and go well I might as well double down and type faster


I hate Gen Z

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We also have your picture


I even finished the experiment in lab today despite contaminated solvent ruining literally all I did during the first lab period dedicated to it (of two)


You do, but my face was covered by my phone, iirc.

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You all have my picture but my face is always covered. I don’t own pictures where my face isn’t covered for most part

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Air of mystery

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I accidentally sent Marluna my name that same day, so that was fun.

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And Arete moment…


May under her face mask:

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There’s this guy, chem major a year or somethting above me. Always wears a baseball cap kinda hat. He literally vanishes without it. Like he takes it off and nobody knows who he is. I’m too distinctive for that…


hey litten

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I saw him just now. How’d I know it was him? Well, the hat

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ariel is typing in rumble chat. be prepared to think about your bids


hey can you guys hold this for me i dont want to put it in my well formatted list

Counters: roles which exist to counter specific other roles (but not all roles) and do not fall into other categories (empowerers, strongman, ninja, godfather, etc)

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Skill issue I have never written Amelia on an assignment

Don’t ask how many times I’ve turned my head irl to the name Amelia


“But not all roles” is redunant because of the word “specific”

i lol’d in real life once, i literally just said “Loooool” and english wasn’t even my language :pensive:

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I’ve written name redacted on assignments in the one class where I went by May with the professor