Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

@MapleMay if you ever get the time can you find the dollar website

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I still haven’t found a good cat ear and collar


power and achievement

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All of them just look so fucking weird to me


i have the highest conformity im not sure if thats good or bad

Conformity measures the restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or violate the community’s social expectations or norms. This value specifically entails subordination to the norms and customs that are set before the individual by authority figures such as parents, teachers, or political leaders.

i had a lot of fun you guys are all great :blush: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I’d wear a collar irl if i had one


i will surely reach my goals by sitting around all day on reddit


or one of those spiked bands those are cool too

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its neither

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One sec taking the moral one

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Cat is meowing again time to put them back on the tree


what does it mean? im confused because theres also tradition and self-direction. is it about me or about what i want others to do

it means not doing things that people near you wouldn’t want you to do

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im surprised if its about me coz i definitely hate being told what to do. although i try to not cause trouble too. or tell others what to do. so maybe it is about me

ahhh i see

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it could mean being polite or the worst person on earth

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What the fuck does “morally OK” mean

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A lot of these things are morally ok just because it’s their goddamn choice

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its alright to do