Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

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My words being misunderstood and me misunderstanding others

Me following stuff to say like a structure, i default to patterns. Like i always have a “bwaa ;-;” response to a post that calls for it, “aaa :confounded:” to another. I try to switch them up but if theyre in my comfort zone i like repeating the same things

Im better at it now but i had a hard time speaking, pronouncing words clearly, walking smoothly and not like a robot. Im still largely avoiding eye contact. Consciousness about body language (“should i put my leg on the other? Should i lean on the wall? How am i supposed to look while im doing this?” Etc)

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i own a brush i dont wanna go get it
also i think i need to wash my hair to get all the knots out now

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Thank you dr house


ur welcome i will now use questionable practices that may or may not ruin your life

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it is possible, but I’m unsure if that means anything either definitive or to a point where its nearly certainly a yes
i’d recommend paying a bit more attention to your behaviour if youre truly curious

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(i only seen like 2 episodes of dr house i just know hes a douche)



Sorry i didnt mean to write that question mark. Typo. It looked weird with it

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What do i pay attention for?

and yes, talking to autistic people does help

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behaviour that you or others deem synonymous with autism
stuttering words, bad eye contact, too much or too little anxiety, difficulty understanding certain situations, difficulty expressing empathy (but still feeling it) would be my go to

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from writing everything i remember into a speech while not sleeping for around 20 hours

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I have those except i dont struggle with expressing empathy im a pro at that one

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And u scold me. Go sleep vampire

not every criteria is needed, of course
i think asking autistic people and giving them a rundown of why you think it is is infact a good idea, actually

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And u scold him. Go sleep vampire

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aren’t you literally running on 1 hour after 3 hours last night

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Whats your verdict?