Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I think you need alot more stuff from that to know for sure. If your nonverbal communication is iffy, it doesn’t automatically mean you have something.

for me personally it mattered because it meant i could receive support and the people around me would be more understanding. It also helped me be less harsh on myself for my struggles, im not a failure for my speech issues or emotional struggles. I am simply built like this and i should feel good for what ive done to overcome it and what i continue to do


i did but i didnt understand it so i decided to be funny

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so it helped u improve ur social relations and become stronger thats really nice then

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a lot of you are autistic
i dont have especially strong bonds or communicate much with any specific one of you, and if i have, i am incapable of remembering
most my messages in cookie thread are to myself, if I recall, or making terrible jokes

so i wouldn’t be able to be a good judge of character of autistic people because I don’t know any of you well

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I wish I could know you all more well

we dont have a strong bond because we arent elements and as a result cannot make a molecule

cuz from personal experience i was never diagnosed with anything just got written as hyperactive as a kiddo (Cause stuff like autism barely exist in lithuania unless its actually debilitating and i was considered really smart so the doctors were like ‘hell yeah kid is gifted lets ignore the rest’)

I had some odd quirks in the way i acted i wont delve into, because they are both disturbing and weird (but trust me when i say i was quite unique), severe anger issues, extremely unstable emotionally one moment i was super happy then i would start throwing shit and crying uncontrollably. but as i got older i simply mellowed out and working on smoothing out my awkward behaviours i still have with me. i rarely have emotional outbursts now and if i do they are very brief and i go out of my way to not hurt anyone.

never really needed to do anything like going to an expert and i’m not fully sure if there’s anything off with me or if im just me but i never had the need to find out, now i’m just slightly awkward with people, but everyone journey is different

so like tutuu if u are already better at dealing with people u can probably just smooth everything out eventually to the point where u are pretty much a regular guy I believe in you brother. im aware you’re older than me but people never really stop growing emotionally and improving as long as they put their mind to it


the only person id say im truly close to when it comes to mafia community is dota and he is permabanned from here


I remember as a kid my problems were “being non-masculine”, hyperactivity, being emotionally volatile and not being quite particularly social as I didn’t quite see a benefit in it at the time.

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Let’s go lit :lithuania: brother!

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i can relate to that partially , i really wanted to make friends but it was because of my anger issues people were wary of me. i was also a year younger than all of my classmates and weaker and smaller so often that was an excuse to stay away from me. luckily i was really smart and was great at playing with cards so i still made friends as a kid somewhat easily

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I am not familiar enough with neurotypicality to prescribe a diagnosis.

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:romania: :handshake: :lithuania:

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fear of fire
the heat

Atlas can I bore you with badly-made lizard setups on a daily

you send them to me already yes

Dearie, I mean made by MYSELF

you send them to me already yes

i havent slept in at minimum 22h
i feel surprisingly normal today