Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I love you tootsie

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omg i was at stonehenge on my birthday


unfortunately ive been exposed to both of these things by virtue of having two older sisters
i don’t recommend

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My condolences, wittle arcytic

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sorry to hear that

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guys im really bad at talking about all this stuff. like family relationships. i cant give much advice because i don’t know the full extent of people’s situations because i am neither trans nor have a strained relationship with my parents. well my relationship is pretty secular i guess. im not super close with them but we’ve never been on bad terms, im just a pretty distant person in general. but my family are the only people who’ve remained a constant in my life, and i want to keep that security. i think that it’s good to try and keep your relationship if you think it’s salvageable even if it seems bad right now. i don’t want to diminish the apparent negatives in your current situation but there are also positives (like financial support) that when they are gone you will realize hits you hard. it’s not my place to give advice here but i think after you’re “out of there” as it were, after some time has passed that is when i would make a decision on whether to cut things off, rather than right after you leave where i worry your judgment may be affected by heat of the moment

classic me post sayjng i cant give advice and then i write a paragraph anyway wow!


When it comes to my own parents, it frustates me that they’re ideologically conservative (anti-LGBTQ, anti-atheism, …) and they really really don’t know how to manage their frustrations so sometimes they start arguments over something that could’ve been solved with an easy discussion. Besides these things, they’re okay as human beings and I appreciate that the most.



Talk to your family, they’re not as constant in your life as you think they are. My dad started having mental health issues and drug problems during the last year or two of his life. It was difficult for me to talk to him, but i wish i had at least told him how i felt about his drinking and stuff. So if you’re avoiding family for a reason, at least explain why, I guess? If they care about you, they could make an effort to change. I’ll never really know.


man everyone just be dropping bombshells like it’s nothing

i’m sorry things went like that sulit :heart:


it’s alright lol at the end of the day the most i can do now is give advice


oh you were at stonehenge? ive considered going there for one of my solstices but i generally watch the sun rise in isolation and i know gatherings happen round then

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knowing what i do from my mom’s work as a nurse in dementia and addiction, and with my dad in and out of sickness all my life, everything is so fragile. you don’t have to put your all into connecting and squeezing every drop, most of the time you wont be able to anyways. the little things matter as much as the big. it lets them know youre there


I adore deep lilith posting

i am just applying my personal experience to the conversation

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yeah and it was pricey as hell despite the fact there was a public footpath going around outside the entire perimeter of the paid area which gave you just as good of a viewpoint pretty much
so if you do visit then try use that instead of paying lol

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as much as I would want to get as close as possible I don’t think I’d pay yeah. Not too fond of that

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@lilith scotland won 1st place in school debate championship 2024 and bulgaria took second. no wonder me and u are so talented at arguing with each other


Claim: lilith is a bitch
Justification: see lilith’s cookie thread posts

Sorry, Wikipedia doesn’t take such citations into consideration! Secondary referencing required!

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