Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

as someone who really struggles with tiredness issues

-caffieine is literal devil. seriously will make it hard to get fulfilling, restful sleep, even if you manage to get to bed at a good time. resign yourself to always using it, or never use it. or VERY rarely if you have a super important day.

Cut your losses and focus on getting things done during the times you aren’t tired. it will oscillate. when you are more alert and functional, do what you need to, dont push yourself too hard when tired

walks and just not being sedentary are massive as well


Men’s gymnastics is like a global holiday for short kings.


going to make a deal with the devil (coffee) because of my heroic journey (having a job) needs assistance (going to an important meeting)


(coincidentally a corporate 9-5 structure is, like, built to go against this. designated meeting times when you HAVE to be awake, coffee culture (insert copypasta), and absurdly sedentary stuff)




hilarious instance of coincidence. my work zoom right now



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differs slightly depending on how much youre doing outside of being unable to sleep
if the goal is to survive as comfortably as possible and the issue cant be combatted directly,
move around often
use a variety of methods to keep yourself occupied when the not sleeping is making you go insane to prevent eye strain from monitors or other issue that arise from heavy use
if you have the time or the ability to spend more time outside during the day. if you have a job like a nerd take up smoking and youre struggling to keep your eyes open go to the bathroom the bright lights and water and the loud as hell hand driers are the best you can get without stimulants my beloved


you’re Fluffypants right now


my addiction is chewing gum


literal 5 minute video about some dude getting coffee. “I am not serving coffee, I am pouring happiness” lol wtf


source: life long on and off insomnia my beloved


literally improves focus and performance at no cost, gum is goated


awwwwh :blush: :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

I did a couple sleep studies and on the second one the doctor said I seemed to be as fatigued as someone through hiking the Appalachian trail getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night which always stuck with me, and immediately recommended me to go see a specialist that was more knowledgeable than he was. I’ve been on stimulants ever since and often struggle without them. The best thing is avoiding caffeine after a certain time of night (this is going to vary on your sensitivity to it), and being very diligent with sleep hygiene. Wear a sleep mask, keep your room dark, and get something that makes low level noise like a fan or whatever to avoid small noises in the night from disturbing you. Go to sleep bed and wake up around the same times every night and day, every night and day. Avoid doing anything in your bed that isn’t sleep.

The amount of hours you needs varies, but is also somewhat flexible. The ideal amount of sleep is the amount that has you waiting up right at the end of a cycle. Unless you have devices taking biometrics on you at night, you’re not going to know how long your cycles last, but if you start sleeping a consistent schedule your body is smart enough to sync up your cycles so the end of a cycle lines up with your alarm. If you do this successfully, you wake up feeling good every single day. The issue is most of us suck at doing this.


unless you have hypermobility, then you cant have gum lmao get fucked


but my nap time :(


if i can I will often go to my bed and just ponder. Like I won’t sleep. I’ll be awake the entire time but I’ll be like. near sleep. I enjoy it very much. If my bed isn’t available I will want to do it on my sofa but it must be resisted as to not fuck up my neck or hip or whatever

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caffeine has never done much for me. I’ll sometimes have a coffee because it’s nice to have. especially when im lacking hot chocolate. I wonder if nicotine would do much

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nicotine so addictive bruh. i dabbled very briefly and i still think about it a lot lol.

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