why is it so small tho
what needs said
youre not a branch off a peach tree
When my coffee addiction was at its worst (equiv of about 3 pots a day on average) i’d just kind of run until I was so tired that I was no longer tired, and make sure that I always had something physical to do until time had passed to where I could pass out for ~12-14 hours to recover safely
I lost 2.5 pounds a week and dropped from 215 to 175 that semester. I existed on coffee, sparkling ICE, fruit, and whatever was served for breakfast and dinner.
It was very unhealthy and a cope to handle the stress of being at a college that hasn’t advanced any since the second lynching incident (2012).
the. the what incident
You know you Do Business when you type a sentance and think “what the fuck does that mean to 99% of the population”
So that campus had two incidents of lynchings. The first was in 1989 in protest to the election of VA governor Douglass Wilder (first african american governor). They lynched an effigy of him on the lawn of one of the older buildings on campus and even though the school did not have a single black student until the late 80s, the half dozen that were attending the college were beaten up, bullied, and otherwise threatened. The second lynching was when the student body lynched an effigy of Obama on the same lawn on election night 2012 and the ~20 black students were again targetted with the minority student union having bottles thrown at it throughout the night.
… i see
this is not even like… top 5 worst parts of that schools history. I’ll save the goat story, the wall of glass story, the statistics, the constitution of 1901-02 convention story, and the [redacted] story for another time
I escaped from there and went to an all female school instead and life improved lol
i went to lame loser school and everybody knew you
do you like radiohead relm
I am ignorant of a lot of modern music ppl
I vaguely know the names but could not tell you anything specific about them or what they look like or what songs they wrote etc etc etc
so no - but if you told me their more popular songs I’ve prob heard them occasionally
radiohead have been in the public eye since 1992
I was born in 2002 and did not actively look for music until like… 2021
I hear music in passing but my taste is too niche to know how most big artists are like lol
we need to get you on some radiohead
i mentioned they were 1992 because you said modern music which made me think you were a nerd