Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


ive not seen them in a while but for a couple summers the conditions were just right for the evil creatures to rise like the CLEGS. I never got bit so I still don’t know what it feels like but you bet your ass whenever one hovered around i was scared shitless. But i still in all that time never got bit

the weird thing about alot of flies is that the bad ones only appear in certain conditions and almost never go for a hit on people

no honor 4.08. just proc’d 15 crates lets go

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FUCK i hate the origins of words… fuck fuck fuck now i’m just thinking about where this word originated and i didnt even click the spoiler. thanks regardless im sure whatever was under it had even more traceable root words and origins… horrifying stuff


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Achromatic, this is great and all, but what’s your opinion on whether mosquitos should be wiped out???

This is truly what I turned my nomination down for.

Probably. Skill issue spreading disease tbh

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Also litten i am putting you in charge of being nice to my friend robin in spec chat. Shes new to mafia but is highly interested


discord name?

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lilith i really like you but i am not opening that i am so scared

Princesspetch shes already in spec

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I’ve been informed by the demon of that game that I messed up their farmer claim by nominating them d1 and d2 leading to Clarke nominating them d3 and executing them before they could fake a straw pass (and their sw did it instead)

name noted.

Is she there rn

i uh. tried to be comforting. but i wouldnt trust me to lol

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i hate bugs so much im sorry
this just made it so much worse

I don’t get bitten by mosiqutio probablt cuz I live in Georgia

The part of Georgia with no mosquitos

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:( sorry atla

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or at least none that I care about or notice