Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

photo from the reviews of the Pokémon


sir that is a beanbag not a plushie

that’s a plushie

My bed doesn’t even have covers.

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Litten you have a flag on your wall, what country is that?! :open_mouth:

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That’s not my room

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Yeah I know. Your room is a cartoon box!


Sir that is a pride flag

Whoever owns this plushie is gay as shit. Decreed by the gods.


also, if I’m being real its just depression

just came out of binge eating to deal with it, and now I’m hating myself for being fat. w.e just want to finish this essay due tomorrow then sleep for a week

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oh damn, hope it gets better

i used to binge eat sometimes when i was depressed but my new medication kinda killed my appetite which… im not particularly complaining about, especially since due to physical limitations my ability to exercise is… also limited (one day i will get the leg surgery i blatantly need but money. also lazy. also [REDACTED])

ironically i think having a job has really helped with my mental as well but idk how possible that is for you since you’re presumably still in school?


Well, covid just wrecked my life the past 2 weeks. Probably most just rebounding from that. I had no appetite and barely ate, which was kind of nice though.

This class is just getting to me as well, finals on friday and this paper I have struggled to write. I’m not usually one who lacks things to say, but my brain doesnt work right now


hello cookie thread
Virtuous Design Team ™️ has run into a conundrum and we need your help.
we have decided to move away from starting king (it was really really unworkable) and into d2 king elections. however, me and icet have entered into a fierce disagreement about what ability you should gain for winning the king election.
WE NEED SUGGESTIONS! Icet really wants king dayvig because its funny but I kinda don’t want to add more KP
not a gurantee but if enough people say dayvig we might just do it anyways.

if u win the king election you become the new host of the game



Can I just talk about how unworkable starting king is btw

Literally anything you can do is ultra strong on EK and really weak on GK

To the point where even with the current King design I would never include EK

The closest you can get is Guard! which makes king the most unimportant slot in the game