Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i actually don’t have that many like, infighting stories with my current (“current”) group. there was a bit at the start but yea
they just. usually refuse to communicate and this ruins any potential for actually close relationships. the only time we interact is at school and it’s so fucking annoying that no one else will communicate. like, just outright refusal.

and that’s the only story. not very boring

meow meow meow



my mental image of bionic has changed from “gay twink with ketchup on his face” to “gay twink with a bottle of ranch covered in ketchup”


very boring

untrue Arete said I’m very low on their autism meter like a long time ago

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My high school friend group broke in two literally last week and my other out-of-state friend and i are just sitting awkwardly in both new groupchats while the world burns


oh my god

my friendgroup has gone through some drama fairly recently but like i also dont wanna get into it lmao

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fair enough

noooooo what. can i get the lore there or nah (nah is a very fair answer)

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i get the impression my group was never meant to stay together after high school
which is unfortunate because there’s some great people there that I want to stay friends with. but they don’t

One friend of mine left the group after like five goddamn years over an argument that had happened like a year prior. That one hurt

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it is Fated that the show finale will be senior prom and the last episode will be graduation.

there’s lots of drama with my 9th grade group, though!

I don’t think I’ve ever had ranch before. The closest condiment we generally have is just aioli.

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i do think its kinda funny to frame your friend group as comedy shows.

Its not even spicy its just one 26 year old with no emotional maturity breaking up with half my friends because they couldn’t go to his birthday party lol

I’m too old for this kindergarten shit


i fr have talked to maybe 6 people from my high school after graduation it was such a final episode

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