ok sorry hungary and denmark that is the big ones i forgot
Luxemburg is gone
Great job this might be better than my europe one ngl
eastern europe got quite jumbled but it’s basically all the same country anyways
Shut up colonizer
i did add luxembourg. its the little thing next to switzerland
(notably not where luxembourg actually is, but still)
North america I could def 100% with all american states & canadian provinces, south america I would probaby forget one in the mix somewhere, asia don’t even get me started, africa mayhaps
I could put african countries in there with correct names and approximate locations but 0 promise on borders. although frankly since most of african country borders were drawn by idiot europeans far away I wouldn’t feel to bad abt missing those
rip all those small countries absorbed by bigger ones in the great south america war
Oh right.
I only looked where it was supposed to be, not where you drew it
Such is the way of life. The weak submit to the big strong bullies
i like submitting to big strong people too your map is good then
this is a joke right
hey, tutuu mostly put south american countries in south america. that counts for something