Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

fascinating comments section


no no you had its wincon right the first time

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make sure the pretender king specifically has one less guard, because fuck them

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The Psycho King

Neutral Killer

Deadly Tenacity
You are immune to occupation and redirection, death immune, and immune to bleeding. Your name is golden.

The Royal Finger
Day | Infinite use
Your current nomination for treason will count twice.

Decide Fate
Day | 1 use
Decide an accused player’s fate.

Fatal Guards
Night | Non-visiting | Infinite use
Send a guard to attack target player. The guard will die in your place if the player is protected.

Eliminate the Blue Dragon and the Unseen or Cult.

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pretender got deleted :)

even more based

holy shit, willow reference



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if you guys really want I can add it in…?

Add Pretender?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

@atlas you were definitely right btw

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cons: irredeemable role, literally terrible, did nothing good for the game
pros: funny portrait when kinged, all of the above cons make it a good fit for ToL

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mfw you’re Unseen and you completely nail the anti-claim including the NK and the phys claiming alch but still don’t win because there’s a pretender claiming Princess



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no pretender is winning right now but there’s only 3 votes, I’ll leave open the poll and come back later

the hardest ability to implement on forum is Mental Blur but the second hardest is figuring out how the timing on Silence should work

what % of the day is it in tol

silence should be 30 seconds

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uh depends on if you’re using the version where it gets shorter as the game gets smaller, or the version where that only happens in like final 2

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I think I’m going to end up doing something hacky where silence duration is variable depending on several factors

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i thiiink it’s only final 2

I am incapable of adding to the convo, but gl