Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

who am i talking to


Well I had a dream I was back in high school and many things happened. I had to weigh the price of bus vs train tickets. My friends came out wearing various dresses and I got to look at them. Another one of my friends was like “why didn’t you sit with us to watch the thing in the auditorium we miss you” and sat with me which was nice. I was picking classes for my second semester of senior year shcool and was upset I couldn’t take a class with both of the English teachers I really liekd (this is a fiction, no such Enflish teachers existed). And various things

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i am nay duh

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thats probably real in some form

you should never let your dreams stay dreams


get a fever or take some meds or smthn u need better dreams

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i wouldn’t mind personally

I keep having dreams about my highschool, I am just like tutuu. I am terrorized!

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And THEN I dreamed that I was playing a game where everybody got cards with tasks and had to complete them. And abilities. Whenever I went into the water gravity was very intense and I couldn’t leave once I went in (my first go around I forgot about this, went into the water, and had to reset). And one was to kill somebody on land with damage (killed a vague person who resembled a mashup of several of my high school classmates) and then afterward kill two people in the water (Magnus and Kiiruma were in the water doing some kind of roleplay and I used my super gravity to my advantage). My card was themed after Clouded Monk from Lobotomy Corporation


I’m not killing Magnus and Kiiruma I like them!!

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when do i get to fight you in your dream and win

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Try being significant to me and maybe you’ll show up

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youre going to rocket launch me in your wheelchair but i got it all prepared for that

among us?

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Nah they looked like Library of Ruina pages

Another motive of telling May to get her physique up.



I think if I’d dream about these sort of stuff, I’d be getting really emotional.