Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

it’s not that hard

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All you have to do is keep me in an eujrphoic state long enough to where I get drunk off power instead of my adhd

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Running a successful cult is pretty hard

You have to keep them to stay

resident cult leader?

it would be somewhat misleading to say that i’ve had a cult of personality around me before

because i’ve had several


Make your cultists meet their basic neccessities from you! Easy peasy

I think FoL is rhe closest thing I’ve had to a cult

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Oh I had closer in a Discord server once because people started worshiping a weird compulsion I had for a while

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May was complaining how small she was so i was trying to cheer them up. And then litten pinned it


the quizbowl community is a cult and i’m in too deep


Litten’s always pinning things

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I’m the most famous pinner

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Hey guys are you my cult

The better bug boy is getting an identity? Ye

i just tell people things and they listen to me it’s really crazy i don’t even know why


May does seem to be litt-le

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I am Happy