Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I forgot to quizz you if you got into anymore groups with extreme people. The tale with you racing to be the leader of a discord group was fun

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i think that the majority of people here are in the 50% or lower percentile of being scary worldwide

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Not discord group but discord server

Would you consider yourself a scary dinosaur

not really

ive kind of moved out of the limelight in my lilith arc. Every community I was in other than this one exploded in a chain. Or sucked. Probably both


im not physically strong and i dont have the motivation or drive to hurt other people
if somebody gave me something i’d really want and gave me proof that somebody im going after is a threat i could probably at least get away with it but thats about it

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The communities I join and stick around tend to be more peaceful, surprisingly

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oh so were they at one point!

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Then one bad apple or one unfortunate interaction and :boom: ?

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little bit of both. I don’t think I can discuss it here though. I do not know if I should talk about it at all

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If you’re not comfortable talking about it, then it’s fine. Topic change

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im fairly sure its too sensitive a topic for fol is all

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I dreamt that my fictional crush was threatening to electrocute me. I was scared but I also found it fun

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A little bit better than the one fantasizing about dying in a gundown

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Where do I fall on this “threatening” spectrum

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i dont know how to tell you without being mean

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I don’t know much orangelore to even have an idea

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top 5%

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