Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread


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@May how the heck do i change my villages name and how do i give my not-cats a not-gun


dream journal:

start ish was having 2 cars. a suv, and a nicer suv. idr why i had both. both parked.

at some point i consult a guy about where i should leave one of the cars over the summer and he says a church in idaho.

next some weird podcast (?) thingy interviewing some dude named eric. eric had lore idr it.

at some point i was in some game quest with beginner samuri armor, the task was fo put it on (tutorial quest)

briefly in and around an Austin tx overpass (common dream location for me), with a couple high school friends, searching “for god” whatever that means. like walking in the direction i saw him. i accidentally dropped a chicken sandwich i found off the overpass.

finally i was in minecraft but also playing. with trackpad. some forumers were there. discussions were has over people.

(i had a little too much benadrly i think)


oh some guy had to drive to brazil at one point abd the car had a screen and loud annoying music. something about fresh blueberries along the ride

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this feels way too vague, tell us everything


Spill the tea, etc

the grammar made my head feel vague

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you can go to your notcat’s page and find the dress up button to give them clothes, and for guns idk search the open markets

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to edit village name go to profile then edit profile button


on another note i grinded around 1 hour of the adventure game to sell enough stuff to buy this scarf the dnd-like adventure game is so goated


It’s fine nya

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@chloe my boy is bisexual


Bisexual cat…. So true


This is the synopsis I used and damn. I think I definitely need to actually play the game. Holy shit I am thinking about this way too much


We Know the Devil: Full In-Depth Analysis – LGBTransReviews

I just watched a walkthrough and all the endings. And I think you should, though a warning first, I think you shouldn’t entirely disconnect your brain, you might miss some plot things

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i saw the earlier conversation about people being scary and no one on fol is that threatening, at least in my view coming from communities where there would people who would dox someone and harass them irl if they did so much as post a photo or, like, mention the general area they live in

the internet is a scary place


Wait did you read all the spoilers

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