Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

From this website

I sure do hope that I’m included in the court proceedings because there is literally no fucking way I will consent to this

Wtf what

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Sorry, what is he trying to do

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Is he reconsidering being strict by limited guardianship?

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“Limited guardianship”
Basically means the court grants him the authority to make certain decisions for me

people cant just decide to keep you
when you turn 18 you gain access to a large amount of things, and i think its relatively proven that you have the intellectual capabilities to take care of yourself


Yeah exactly

What certain decisions

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The website above strongly implied that I wouldn’t be in the proceedings so I’m looking up info

I made a list above
Not all of them are included (case by case) but at least some are

Oh god

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I hope this is the right one

Chatgtp how do I get a young adult with autism away from Utah

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Objecting to the petition

Any person served with notice of a guardianship petition may object. This can be done by filing a written objection before the hearing, or raising the objection at the hearing orally. An oral objection must be followed up with a written objection within 7 days. An objection form is available in the Forms section below

I think this says that I must consent

Will he contemplate into making you sign something in the future?

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Yea that’s my concern here
In practice idt he would ever be able to convince a judge, but it’s still very concerning that he’s considering this at all

my understanding is that you have the right to object (and to a lawyer, see later down on the page)

the court could overrule your objection, but (if the judge is doing their job, which isn’t guaranteed), they generally would not overrule it on the basis of “well you have mildly annoyed your parents so therefore,”


I also don’t think he can like. Legally threaten to kick me out or something so he can’t really force me to sign
