Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

You’re telling me there’s corporations that “take care” of inmates?!

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its called “assassination agencies” and you wouldn’t get it


When somebody messes up the chicken nuggets everyone suffers…

happy birthday jail!

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everybody should write something interesting in their profiles
i snap check them when i get bored and its nice to have a sentence

i change mine up whenever something important happens and i remember to

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It shows I never updated mine in forever because I still have the discord discriminator

I used to change my description on occasion from time to time, but I grew bored of what felt like a fruitless endeavour. If clever accolades bring you a smile, though, sure.

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i dont even know how i forgor :grinning:

The remnants of a snowman

It’s an Omori reference.

Thanks for the clarification! There is also a snowman that collapses in Undertale

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That’s where the flavour text comes from, yep.

Did you did you did you did you finish turtlehead

You asked me this last time.

And what was your response of that last time?

I phrased my answer like a “probably” without actually specifying so in uneven terms, and you didn’t pry further.

That’s a lie. You tested my knowledge on Mason, the quote unquote “best boy”.

Okay so you didn’t actually watch turtlehead

@Atlas Ban

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