Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

Literally everyone at the school is a detective except the killer!

mason is the only detective at the school.

Not all detectives. I hate Sherlock Holmes with an undying passion.

Yeah but everybody is trying to detect the identity of the killer!

why the heck do you hate holmes

What did Jhelock Molmes do to you?

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detecting isnt exclusive to a detective

Sherlock Holmes stories never give the audience any ability to solve the mystery ahead of time, so he ends up solving most of them using circumstantial evidence or information which has been most usually withheld from the audience.

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Everyone going on an adventure to elucidate a mystery can be considered a detective. Just not detective (job) neccessarily!

its about the character of holmes, which i cant call much defense to due to not having read the majority of the books, if any at all

despite columbo’s stories quite literally announcing who the killer is at the start, watching him deduce it is the part of the story people come for

Oh yikes. The befeared smart character that either goes behind the scenes off-screen and knows of the entire mystery (Granny (Looney Tunes) from a show I forgot) or the befeared smart character that just deduces stuff with really limited knowledge of the evidence (very annoying when that occurs in real life)

Imagine if you’re trying to follow along Sherlock solving the murder of Pirate Captain Nobria Youssef the third, and the scene’s been investigated and all he found was a generic axe, and then Sherlock says “this is a viking nineteenth century cheap modern replica sold from the gift shop off shore, which means the killer must have felt dissatisfied with the crew’s recent escapades to resort using such a knock-off weapon. Oh, and also, the empty weapon stand on the wall means the Pirate Captain’s own model weapon must have been stolen at the same time, meaning the killer must have known the victim well enough to covet said weapon and harbour a grudge. Therefore, the killer is the third deck hand, who is not only strong enough to wield such an axe, but is an overlooked yet vital member of the crew. The stolen weapon is beneath the bed; as no pirate would toss away their stolen finds, this ship hasn’t docked to port yet so it can’t be on shore, and there’s no other place where privacy can be assured. The killer is married, so let’s ask their spouse — who lives at this precise address, I skimmed through the phone book hours ago — and ask where the suspect is.”


Sherlock Holmes the DnD

You can take 20 when making intelligence checks

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It’s far more interesting to receive the information ahead of time, and then having a detective interpret the evidence in a way readers might not have done.

Unless solving the mystery isn’t the point. I liked Stephen King’s “Outsider”.

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Wouldn’t he have wisdom over intelligence?

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Were the novels mysterious enough to leave room for fan theorizing at least?

I would… guess so, although it’s been a while. Individual stories are less prone to theorising than large-scale worldbuilding, though…

for someone who talks about how they want to shove everyone into a locker you are like, prime locker shoving material


Will you start shoving them into a locker

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