Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i dont dislike sushi ive never had them except once in the netherlands and i didnt even go for the raw fish i went for fried something i forgot what. id love to eat raw fish if its safe

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They have like tilapia and cod and such but it’s just not very good. It’s just not very good

It’s barely edible

nothing will happen to you from one energy drink. although maybe it will if its ur first time i dunno. my tolerance is high they barely affect me. but i cant handle coffee

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everybody with bad opinions tends to get mashed together in my head, you understand.

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Starting to regret my choices


you are going to die in 20 minutes. last words?

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I’m probably more enrvous than I should be because I have heart problems so even a coffee means I won’t be able to feel any of my limbs

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I feel nothing yet so I don’t regret anything fully

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He leaves everything to Hazzy and he wants people to be mean to him at his funeral, we’ve been over this already


dont drink it all at once dumbass sip on it from time to time

Pasta is the Italian stuff. Noodles are the broader category. Imo

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Rice noodles aren’t “pasta” egg noodles aren’t “pasta” etc

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I’d maybe even hesitate to call Kraft Mac and Cheese pasta but that’s a personal hangup probably


I want pho


the way i see it pasta is what people say pasta is. even if ramen isn’t pasta by a pedantic standard you could reasonably call it pasta. and reasonable people do call it pasta. there are some areas wherein yes preciseness in terminology is important but the delineation of pasta is not one of them

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I chugged a big one and then threw the rest in the trash

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no they dont


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