Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I think every teacher I’ve ever had that has spoken about it has held the position of “if I err in your favor, gg” so I’m not sure I really think a few points here or there are really gonna make a huge difference

now if they like mixed up my whole exam with somebody else’s and I got a major major boost that’s a different thing but like tbh I get the sense most of them would rather have a few unearned points be given than spend the time to go back and regrade things just to knock off a few points that probably don’t matter

When I was in like 5th grade the teacher was doing a spelling test and they did it in word so it had the wiggles if it was wrong

I pointed it out and got two skip homework passes
snitches get candy


In my discrete structures 2 class, there was an exam where all of the questions involved writing proofs about some non-trivial property of a Turning machine. What that means isn’t important, but what is important is the exam allowed the use of any theorem, whether covered or not in class, in the proofs. Rice’s theorem conveniently essentially states that all non-trivial properties of a Turning machine are undecidable. So, a couple semesters before I took the class, a group of students submitted a proof for every single question that was simply “Rice’s theorem. QED.” The teacher gave every single of them an A, and from then on, every single question had the addendum “You may not use Rice’s theorem.” I respect the hell out of that teacher for being like “yeah, you got me” and giving them all As.


Update it is fine

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ive been burned before by teachers not doing that so i just like to play it safe


this is so funny


why did tutuu almost have a heart attack because his mother called ramen pasta

because he was 2²

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I can get, like, Getting Favour Points for speaking up over a misgrade, but there’s no risk in not speaking up because you can pretend you didn’t notice. Like so many people just accept whatever a professor tells them because they don’t think

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There’s the risk of your grade changing later but I’d have a 50/50 chance of losing points than a 100%

I think there’s cases where I would say something but my first instinct 100% of the time is gonna be not to

It doesn’t even register as dishonesty to me at all. It’s just “woah, bank error in my favour, awesome”

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Yeah agreed w/ all your takes
I can like see why people would take the points tbh, especially if you don’t plan on ever getting letters of rec from those profs or using them as a reference or something, but yeah thats not for me
And i also dont fw academic dishonesty lol, no matter how minor


I’d probably be more likely to vibe with the “academic dishonesty” thing if every teacher I’ve ever had talk about it hadn’t said to just let it be lol


to preface this, my job is honestly p great and im definitely very fortunte to have it

with that said, why is my coworker sending me a boatload of shit to do 5 minutes before the office closes why are you like this i hate you grrrrrr!!!



just prove rice’s theorem from first principles for every question


reduction to the halting problem was generally the go-to IIRC


5 episodes of arcane season 2 got leaked


time to watch!


oh its 360p and watermarked
I think I’ll wait