Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

I want to go to the car but I wojld have to put on jeans

No bacon for me! Sad!


you can buy some tomorrow

I don’t have any food I can eat


Why does meat taste so goood…it must be the cat dna

Absolutely ridiculous one pack is 4 dollars though atlas

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i just received a very thorough deconstruction of how time worked

so i’m sure you’d understand the phrasing

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Time just works

You haven’t even heard my running theory on how the passing of days works yet

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prices will go down when demand goes down

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Why does Jack link sell stuff for six dollars like we can’t get their stuff for 4 elsehwere??

That’s bad news because I hear an angry mob of cats is demanding more meat. From sources



It’s in stores for cheaper!

…youre asking why they sell the price higher online?

I bet it cuz other stores would be upset if jacklinks undercut them sales wise

Which is that every night when I go to sleep I am destroyed and when I wake up a new May is created and this does not necessarily happen in the order that the days go timewise. When I go to sleep the next thing I experience will be a random day. Not necessarily the next one. I don’t literally feel this anymore but I used to

Their own website is more expensive! You can get it cheaper online at Amazon!

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that would be because shipping fees

amazon has a lot of workers and vans which jack links does not