Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

i was looking up all the times i said fuck on the forum for reasons

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coffee works too well for me
i was so addicted last semester lol
doin well this time tho!


con rats


I remember I used to have several Pret hot chocolates daily to get me through the day, and it was only around March when I realized they put coffee in that.


i reread the jutting watchtower just because (largely just my iso and flips but) that game was so cool in retrospect

it was obviously in the moment but i havent really had a game that topped how much i liked the design since

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it’s probably one of my favourite games ever
including like. actual studiowork stuff

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bastard games tend to be great games when done correctly

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nya meow purrr

luna chicanery and the dark evil magic 2nd kpn button channeled through the lost wolf were probably (definitely) unintended but i think the game would have had the same end result

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My first shift at Kroger and in a hour and a half my manager made me cry


and also have an anxiety attack

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dreamt tutuu came back


Like, in my life, I’ve seen people say I don’t have common sense, that’s fine. What he had me do was basically tell me that he was going to tell me instructions when he brings a pallet out and to follow those instructions. It takes a couple seconds to process that he said he wanted me to grab the water, it takes ten seconds to figure out which box fucking is hiding the can of water, twenty seconds of hearing him disparage me about not being good at following instructions, not having common sense, being told I should be grabbing boxes and asking where they go, being told I should not be grabbing boxes and asking where they go, being told I have no drive or urgency when I’m moving as fast as I can, it’s worse because he’s literally judging me to be incompetent in the first half of the shift because my adhd and the fact that I need time to learn where this sevret fuckint kabel on this fucking purple box and whether it contains the secret water or if it’s this red box with a label in a completely different spot


I keep dreaming weird stuff that I keep forgetting. But oddly I don’t forget how they made me feel

He says he’s a good manager but I’ve been told by coworkers that most people quit their first day. I’m stubborn. I’m not quitting until this guy fires me. I think it’s unreasonable to expect someone with adhd with no knowledge of where anything goes on their first day to be good at fucking FOLLOWING VERBA INSTRUCTIONS and fucking FINDING THE LABELS ON BOXES.

Like it’s stocking, that’s fine, he’s expecting me to be an expert on my first day when it took me a week or two to get good at knowing where eveyrbing was in in Walmart and also knowing this box goes here


And then he goes abojt how he can sort of tell that the thought process is just not there and how he’s hired guys who basically don’t need to be trained on the job and can follow simple instructions, good for them on being experts at figuring out where the Apple juice label is on the box and where the box is hiding

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Anyway he said he’s giving me another shot on Wednesday and that it’s do or die

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Curse of Knowledge bias is a real drug

Anyway I’m probably going to apply to target and ask to speak with HR if they need anyone stocking, target is a much bigger place so stocking will be slower and it won’t be as unreasonable. I hope, I’m a good worker I just am mentally slow at processing things andf
I sort of rely on pattern recognition and familiarly to short cut that in life