I would never get myself tied down, don’t worry.
I’m never gonna give you up, I’m never gonna get tied down
I’m never going to run you down, and hurt you.
100% agree, it’s far and away the highlight of the first third
real af lol
I prefer just reading reading but I’ve done a fair amount of the audiobook version as just like background while doing manual labor during one of my rereads back in 2019 and yeah the audio quality can vary wildly depending on who’s reading a given chapter lol
can john oliver please stop putting out videos on whatever would literally be the single most relevant topic in the world to me
these last two weeks have been uncanny
hi orange and black how are you!!!
still have covid
im literally watching the one on hospice right now lmao
same, hence the message
Had to Google Deltarune to confirm that it hadn’t been derailed in the one day I didn’t check for news on it.
you know sometimes a guy who beats the final boss of uty geno every day until a new deltarune chapter releases shows up on my recommended
they’ve gotten to the point where they waste all of their turns and still win
they used to use silver bullets, which apparently have a higher lv19 ceiling than the best weapon in the game, and apparently can be used to skip the final desperation attack with enough precision
I did not expect the Marlette hate club to be so Marciless
This is insane
I’m gay