They are called plantoic solids - may (mod)
Literally the opposite of NSFW
In my head she isnt sexist enough for me to think of her as a boy
I associate not being sexist with a girly trait
thats kinda sexist
…i had to
i am currently waiting 7-10 business days for my new card to come in the mail
send help
People of different genders should join forces and become criminal gangs
its a bit funny you say that now because i’ve spent several days receiving very angry messages about how much my mother hates men
its just to tell tutuu he’s very incorrect
its not particularly relevant, i assure you
Anyway obviously most women do not find women to be inferior but there’s a lot of casual, like, “people of different sexes fundamentally think differently and thus should be treated differently and women as a group are inherently much more relatable to each other than they’ll ever be to men” etc
Ill reply in dm so as to not out info about you in here
go ahead