incorrect atp id just shoot you
Youre going to kill me? Was I ever truly alive before I got to meet you?~
do 50 pushups NOW
20-30 max at my peak form (when i was 17). I can do 15-20 now
yeah everyone is 19-21
I brushed off the less memorable / important folers
ok do 3 sets of 15. ill do 2 sets of 25
wow. chloe will hear about this.
Okay later i need to do some chores first
good. be productive
Chloe loves me too much Im her favorite. Wonder how I never got in trouble? Im the teachers pet
i would not lose sleep over it
(note i would not actually kill 22)
i imagine most people wouldn’t
and please stop trying to woo me
Sorry, i thought it was a two-sided running joke / messing around
tell him something mildly mean he will go away he’s harmless
this is a consistent thing if youre wondering
i can assure you that nobody ive seen in text here is romantically interested in you, i think
incase youre afraid
atlas says, with a suspiciously knife shaped protrusion in their pocket