The way I heard a food scientist talk about it once is leaving something like that out can’t be thought of as a simple safe or unsafe binary, but rather as increase of risk. Every hour means your risk goes up by an order of magnitude. We don’t know how much bacteria was in the food to begin with so we can’t say what that risk is, only that it’s gone up by about that much from whatever it started with.
Omg it’s notblackorwhite holy crap
hi notblackorwhite
everything in life contains an amount of risk that increases the longer time goes on where the action is either being done or there
its not a unique property, if you’re particularly concerned about your milk, litten.
silviu shes been here for months
You’re just jealous that you have pegs for arms
i dont think i have much to be particularly envious of in that department, specifically of her aswell
I am better than Chomps
- Enable FTL communication by syncing a clock across lovers through their knowledge of each other’s opinion
- Something else
0 voters
we are each welcome to our own opinions on ourselves and others
And we are welcome to use those opinions to enable FTL communication
idk what the top one means
do you or do you not think the purpose of love is to enable faster than light communication via instant transmission of knowledge of the other lover’s opinion of you
- Chemistry
- Literally anything else
0 voters
oh i didn’t see the purpose of love part i thought we were just discussing new inventions
making humanity suffer due to hate
which i suppose chemistry does that too but its not mutually exclusive as labeled
Is this your second poll on FoL
i don’t actually know