Dangan Werewolf Invitational (2/15) Game Ended Night 2 - Despair Won

I wanna hear ur theories, even tho I cant really respond to them :sob:

oh yeah bfore i head to bed
VOTE: Drinks

gonna just keep it on the two

iā€™ll say my theories if i have clearance but yea

Fair fair <3

yall the day is ending in 90 minutes

i am not particularly opposed to voting out drinks but it feels p similar to the chronos one where people just decided on it early on and nobody rly cared


Demi mentioned potentially crazy, how do you feel about that one? :thinking:

I doubt thereā€™ll be enough people around EoD to make a Crazy wagon possible

As in Crazymage wagon, not insane wokege wow damn holy shit wagon

summons @Scorbunny

Legacy in case I somehow die tonight

Scorbunny is hard lock town
Kanave is hard lock town

Do not doubt those two reads if I flip tonight

legacy if i die tonight

itll probably be obvious who i targeted


yā€™know, thatā€™s fair.


Since Iā€™ve been asked a few times gonna restate

You may not claim your flavor.

IE ā€œAm Pullahoko the Protagonistā€

But you can claim your role

IE ā€œAm the Protagonistā€

Also donā€™t refer to the art on your rolecards for simular reasons

Drinks (4): Kai, Apocryphal, Blasian, scoot
Apocryphal (2): katze, Kanave
Kanave (1): Monokuma

Not Voting (7): PoisonedSquid, Drinks, Bylamir, Etha, crazymage, Demisha, Scorbunny

Reminder Hammer is 7 votes

Day ends in just over an hour

Legacy if I RIP

Love u all, big smooches all around. Very good first game out of 10

Kana and bun huge town love them
crazy potentially crazy joker moment despair assuming Demiā€™s accusations are truth

I am genuinely torn in half between Apo and Drinks so iā€™ll move it closer to the 50/50 I guess
If Drinks still goes over thatā€™s fine by me anyways

VOTE: Apocryphal

Why are there 7 people not voting almost an hour before EoD where is everyone

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no idea

@PoisonedSquid @Drinks @Bylamir @Etha @crazymage @Scorbunny
