You’re right he is being town
This is my textbook expectations of a D1 Scoot and you even said it yourself
You’re right he is being town
This is my textbook expectations of a D1 Scoot and you even said it yourself
Gaslighting isn’t cool
It’s just so easy for you to me the mysterious loner kid with one eye covered wearing all black in the back of the class sitting next to the window
i havent backread in a game in three years.
Fair fair, again, new player issue. I don’t know how this all goes, lol.
Backreading is almost necessary
Keyword: almost
If anything wolfy D1 scoot would be a sweaty andro hard trying at those light pushes
I do tend to wear all black and would sit near the back when I was in class, yes
I will once im done catching up uwu
You can’t catch up if we keep posting
I try to not backread, but the temptation never goes away tbh
Post faster than demi can read!
you are not going to get anything that you cannot get in the moment @Demisha
i am going to ping you continuously until you realtime.
Eternal torment
It’s been a while since I’ve been in any sort of game with them, so I’m not sure what their usual behavior is like in DW and if it transfers here or not, but for the most part, their posts are very bland with poorly applied mayonnaise on top
I don’t really have much an opinion on them
I read faster that you can write babe
etha told me to tell people shes off forum for now
I don’t know if this is genuine playstyle advice or being sus trying to get people not to investigate anything.