Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

yea, it seems like its been Ice t these couple of hours.

wait no its been luka, ur post confused me haha

was that another mindmeld?
wild if it was

although it makes sense we would come to the same conclusion

that one actually was unintentional XD.

Day 4 isn’t going to be easy, and honeslty i have a feeling its just gonna end poorly. Espically with how Miku, Poison, and Danger vote.

From HD’s POV
How do they come to the conclusion
Danger + Me

Honestly I am sorely tempted to be first vote and know I’m right (or severely wrong)
But I’ve never been a snap voter

Noy even sure if HD trying to make the world seem logical, i think they just scum read you both.

People forgot that I used to actually play the game
(Even if this time I’m missing 1k worth posts, I asked my hydra to read those bits for me but I think they’ve given up playing)

And me playing the game = me being bad from HD’s POV probably
Even though in all my scum games I just straight up froze

Icet made the unvote
I am FIRM on my convictions

I still think it could be Ivy + Miku
But the way Luka just jumped onto my theory of theatre that I wasn’t even that confident about?
It gave me confidence alright but also paranoia

Its not looking good at the very least
I probably wont do much in f5.

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okay so this is a really silly response but
what theory
I never saw it, and if I did I didnt remember

You responded to it
I said something like
“Ivy and Miku having a disagreement and then trying it off a bit too neatly is something I would expect as distancing”
And you agreed and bandwagoned on to it

I wish I was me 5 minutes ago
I don’t think stirring paranoia is good
But I think I should bring it up right?

I could quote it
But for real
You are not in danger today
Everyone is voting sleep
I’m voting sleep
Take care of yourself

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Dont remember it but thats fair if I did
Mightve been cet too and they just didnt inform me

Yeah. Even if it stirs up paranoia

  • Lukey luka
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I found a mindmeld with May somewhere
I think I will drop them from the list for today