Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

never had you and miku paired x-x.

i tunnel gar as evil to often when town.


You diidn’t, by the way.
As story said you genuinly played amazingly. Please don’t beat yourself up like this <3

I always lose with grace, i dont ever get angry, but this game needs some words to be said

yup yup

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Let’s hydra next time Hazard

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Then it wont be a problem

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This is likey right

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did… did lootz ever post

yes like
that one time
they posted several times
i dont think they read the game


yell at them for me

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where did I put that damned hydra alignment chart. I think youre chaotic good


average hydra dissonance (not even dissonance)


they said they had schoolwork
i mean
i am not upset at all
i still had fun and i understand :+1:


okay need to head to a few other games
Ping me if im needed
Thanks for the game! Despite this slightly heated post game, the game was really fun!


I like that ngl

i will state tho luka this isnt winning with grace. i think you played really well but town is already upset at their loss so dont push it further down.
You guys played amazingly but i think town also played decently well as well. Me and leafia were just too scummy for everyones liking XD.


I guess what gets to me is like

Spec chat always finds me in a day as wolf

So even when i win i never feel like i should have

And sometimes i just get shit on like my most recent DM game and i just have no self confidence cause of that

Me if Luka hadn’t said anything about town playing bad
“You guys did great WPWP”
Me because Luka said that stuff
“We could’ve found you given time”


Oh by the way @elizathepsycho you can leak mine and icyts hydra chat if theyre fine with it(I deleted all of my messages I dont want leaked)