Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN


These are still two different people

I thought you posted this oops


you cannot have one without hte other

shes talking about the same person in the 2nd one? just responding to something else

You realize i was talking about OreoCello in this post right?


Reading comprehension

So again I’ve called exactly one person lamist

Why are you so anti me pushing a scum read i have

Why are you so defensive of the oreo

Let me eat the oreo and play the cello

Meh I’m okay with dying tbh just promised someone i wouldn’t

I’m like rihanna

I want the chains


When you said “they are one” I thought you were talking about Ivy and Ori

My vote is literally on Ori I’m not against the Ori push I was against the Ivy push


Like I’m the og Ori voter ntm


I’m not pushing ivy lol

Nor have i ever.

Pretty sure I’ve not even spoke about them

Yeah but I thought you were
Now I see that you aren’t :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:


i remember this, i did not get good vibes from this. I also remember may telling me he didnt get good vibes from arctic last night but i was playing pathfinder wrath of the righteous and missed like 14 hours of the day

could be silly. and tbf right after that i said day 1 can be super fluffy and that’s fine. but i’m just sort of noting this for pattern recognition purposes

i do like this post.but may did not like it for meta reasons iirc. There’s just not a lot of substance d1 so giving any thoughts is something i’m not willing to discount, but I’m not as familiar with any of the metas in question, so. I will say that using a hydra repeating themselves as evidence of showy productivity is a bit flimsy, since it’s two people so they might not be repeating themselves at all.Overall though, analysis is analysis.

I will leave their late night arguing with may to may’s analysis but it caused him to feel better about the slot, from what he’s told me

i will say that the pattern did not actually emerge so that second point is moot

i sort of like this analysis but I also don’t like analyzing different heads of the hydra differently. too easily fakeable. I could simply come in here and pretend to be may and screw up this line of reasoning.

this feels like a weird distinction to make in the middle of a game. Maybe in a different topic it wouldn’t really mean anything but here it kind of feels like a tool to cast doubt on OMGUS votes, no matter their meaning (as put forward by the post)


Guys do you think i can successfully 1000 post?

Guys 2.0 I’m booooooooored

I don’t like analyzing different heads differently

ends up accidentally breaking up my post when arctic stopped posting and tutuu started

this has been pandora this whole time btw may has not been here while i was isoing