Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

This is the best post in the entire game

Alright, I’m back. A little under 300 posts to catch up on, so let’s see what I can do

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Okay, so the main thing that’s noticeable across those posts is Abby spamming the thread, having over a third of the posts simce my exit in my estimation. They’re a player who I can’t really understand why they do what they do, but I’m willing to GTH town here. None of WL’s posts have really stood out to me, GTH wolf.


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In middle school one of my classmates moved countries at the middle of the school year. We only noticed 2 weeks after she was gone. You remind me of her.


people forget me often its like my thing im an scp

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Oh yeah, and HAI is here too I guess, though most of their posts have been useless observations like this

Do you have any actual reads?

And this site is experiencing slowdown on my phone, nice.

The voices in my head are getting out again

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Brad is currently multitabling because of the mash on MU, he said if he has time he will post but for now its just me and im currently at work


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Technical question: Are there two “phantom posts” here? It says my post is #631 but the slider says there are only 629 and it’s also not functioning properly

I never forget you though…i always message you and miss you when we don’t talk

you cannot kill me in any way that matters

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Probably towny for brad to not post here. I think he’d feel bad about not posting as mafia.


trust me he does NOT



This font suits you very well. Could you start using it on your main account too, please? I enjoy reading it, it makes me imagine a squeaky goofy voice.



I will now explain how i play to OreoCello

Okay so the first noticeable thing about me is I read the game in a weird way so my on topic posts will often be anti consensus but they are often also right quite a lot. There’s a law named after one of my alts on MU that had a 100% success rate as a read during champs and nobody thought it was a good read lolol

Okay anyways the more noticeable thing is.

Okay imagine your a socially awkward autistic Trans girl who can’t make friends well and someone invites you to this social deduction forum game and you play it you don’t know what your doing so you meme and you fuck around don’t try much

That was my first experience with FM now over time I’ve gotten better at it. I have developed a style and i understand the game but i still play it like the socially awkward girl who was using it to make friends and i have met most of my closest friends (and my girlfriend who is the first real love I’ve ever had in my life) through this game. But yeah. I post a lot. I use the game like a chat room but if you pay attention to the content it’s usually pretty good.

Also also I have a personal belief that mafia is inherently toxic and my way of playing kinda curbs some of that and makes the thread more enjoyable and that highly benefits town.

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Help I’m having a mental breakdown