Deceive Inc FM: Misery Empire Hydra - MAFIA WIN

VOTE: wereduck

I think we both know the answer to that

This conversation didn’t change much since it was not game relevant

If I knew, I wouldn’t be asking now would I? Plus, it’s not as if reads can change over the course of the game

Part of me wants to vote every hydra in this game to really fuck the vote count

I mean ive seen to wolves talk to each other like this lol

Um I’m voting you it’s not a pressure vote you’ve also been in both of my one of these names is a wolf


Is their an actual case here? Or is this just ur rule of 4 thing + liking the others

So your argument against me is one of probability rather than alignment. Besides, aren’t pure wagons on townies a thing like all the time? When that happens, wolves often prefer not to get involved lol

Define case

I mean can i write multiple paragraphs about it? No.

Do i think their entrance was forced and lamist and nothing since has changed my initial suspicion and they’ve been involved in every VC related thing I’ve genuinely believed which backs up that suspicion? Yes.

I think in this setup wolves want to be involved at least enough to look like they are solving given the only PR here is a vig that could easily solo win the game

So it’s based on literally one post. Got it.

And what’s so LAMIST about it? Why can’t it come from a town perspective? Plus you are completely disregarding my partner lol

If a wagon is pure, wolves have no need to get involved, they can just set up an alternate wagon or even get involved in distancing. Of course, it’s not a guarantee that they aren’t on the wagon, but it’s nothing strong enough to build a case over. Especially when it’s a one in four shot at best in your estimation

No… it’s not

And this kind of attempt to assassinate my read and bury myself is not making me think your town

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I’m not you are one person i do not separate hydras and I’ve already answered this read my iso or my posts

Then actually explain it besides “LAMIST” and “one in four chance because of my totally not contrived system”

My partner signs their posts, and it’s weird because as far as I can tell you have not looked into them at all

Wolfs hop on towny wagons to blend in the reality of wagon structure is literally the opposite of what you are saying here especially early when wolfs want to blend into the crowd.